
future events and an angry jellyfish

dirk wiertz (electro and techno producer)
future events album:
concept, art direction, visuals online

cyberflex video:
concept, video editing

Dirk Wiertz is an electro/techno producer and owner of 8rgr8 records in Amsterdam. He also makes 2 hour mixes every month, which you can listen to on SoundCloud.

Future Events album

The pattern for the album consists of a series of +, - and x's, with the name and title of the album mixed in. By copying and rotating this layer four times, all sorts of patterns were created. Mixing these together created the background for the online visuals.

Each song was given its own identity. This was done by literally translating the title of a song into an image. This was also an opportunity to draw attention to the release of the album and its follow-ups on social media.

Cyberflex Video

The video is a free translation of the film 'The Day The World Stood Still'. Editing and mixing stock footage created the story of an alien being causing the end of the world.

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